Thursday, September 18, 2008

I am going to post more about the recent Ft Collins trip cause it really was a pretty cool experience, but am waiting to upload a song or two from one of my new favorite bands from Denver. It will be a good posting though and you'll be glad you waited for it.

In the meantime, we're looking for a roommate here. Empty room just sucking cash right now. Also trying to stay alive with some strange sort of allergies. I sneeze about 80 times a day. Never had this happen before that I can remember. If there is never another posting, you'll know that I died from allergies. In the meantime, here is an epic song about rock n roll. Remember, a really cool post is coming soon.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Yeah, yeah. I know. It;s been awhile, but you know.... Olympics and stuff.
So here's another grab bag:

-new song is from Viva La Vida. Everybody has heard the singles and this isn't one yet I don't think, so I posted it. It's really mainstream and everybody knows about it, I recommend picking it up. Those guys write great songs. Last time I was in Denver I had XM radio in my rental car and it had a station alled '30 days of coldplay' that played nothing but. And I'm not a HUGE fan, but with the hundreds of stations on XM it was actually one that I listened to the most probably.

-Just got back from Vegas. We had the Fantasy Football Draft. Pretty nerdy thing, but it's definitely a male bonding event that has been a tradition now for close to a decade. Pretty fun group of guys and fun event. There's always talk of how the league is dying and questions of how long it will go on. And I think it may go on for awhile. Here's a couple pics:

You can click on them to make them bigger if you want. By the way, my mustache is gone. It was something different for awhile, but hey if I get enough positive comments (unlikely) I'm always open to bringing it back.

-Heading to Fort Collins, CO tomorrow morning. Coyote is the opening night film followed by a "GALA". Never been to Fort Collins, but 7 of us from cast and crew will be going so it should be fun. Will write a follow up summary when get back. Cheers.