Thursday, February 16, 2006

Here are some photos from New Year's Eve that I have been meaning to post for awhile. It's from a cruise ship that went up and down the Hudson River. There were fireworks and it was COLD. I think we were right at the Statue of Liberty at midnight and that's where the fireworks were. We were thinking about hitting Time's Square, but everyone said it is like being in a cattle drive and if it's cold it's even worse. One of those things you're supposed to do I guess, but it just doesnt seem fun when you really get down to it.

Since Ola planned the evening we went with her roommates and friends. I am the only person not born in Poland in these pictures. I was born in Arizona instead. That was my parent's choice. I think it was a good choice. i like Arizona. Anyway, I have definitely had worse New Year's eves. I can tell some stories on this blog about other New Year's if anyone requests them. It';s always fun to hear other people's stories. Winter is taking a break after that huge snowstorm, but still needing a sun break.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Here are some more photos from LA. More NY photos to come soon. Pass it on. Dance Magnet - The doctor, the dancer and the astronaut
An evening on the boardwalk and ferris wheels
Dave, Dev and Katherine. Dave is sad, Devin's melancholy and K couldnt care less about Devin leaving.
hERE Are a FEW more photos from L.A> for people to check out. I'll start posting some NY photos next time. Pass it on.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hanging out with people from Las Vegas.
Hi, we're the Brown family
Quite regal indeed

These are pictures from right before I left Los Angeles. They are pictures of people I used to live with and hang out with. I miss them sometimes... I will be adding more party pictures and then more of things that have been happening since I moved here to NY in September. I want people to come back and visit cause there's gonna be cool stuff.

Happy Groundhog Day.