Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Just got back from a weekend in Miami. Gorgeous girls, sunny beach, amazing house music and cool people. It was a much needed break. I am getting old, but still can't seem to totally give up having fun. There's a great article in this week's/ month's New York magazine about my generation (late 20's early 30's) that doesn't want to grow up and doesn't care as much about money and sttatus but more about freedome and "passion" for their job. Great article if anyone is interested in reading it.

I also hate the commercials with people as monkeys using the internet. it isn't funny, sucks and those monkey people are disguistingly ugly. I hate it hate it hate it.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This chat happened this very evening between DCT and myself...

[22:37] DCT: i don't even know what language you're talking about
[22:37] ching ching language
[22:37] DCT: oh, you're speaking chinese?
[22:38] i mean if you want to make out with mariah carey's boobs it's not for me to judge
[22:38] but i will fight to the death your right to say it
[22:40] DCT: oh man, i love her boobs. i want to take them to a movie
[22:41] you know what movie i think they would like? young einstein starring yahoo serious
[22:42] DCT: i've seen it. i love it
[22:42] yeah. i saw it in THX and man, what an adventure
[22:42] i will only see it in a THX certified theater
[22:42] DCT: i begged my mom to take me to see that when it first came out, i thought it was the greatest movie to date. and i was right to think it.
[22:43] i think you're right
[22:43] mariah carey's boobs would realize how good that movieis
[22:43] DCT: any other theatre would be a mockery to the film.
[22:43] DCT: especially her boobs. they're the roger ebert of boobs.
[22:44] DCT: they are perfect in every way....they love watching baseball with me on saturday afternoons.
[22:44] do they bring you lemonade?
[22:45] do u think mariah carey's boobs smoke pot?
[22:46] DCT: they would if you wanted to. Or they'd be down for getting 2 for $1 tacos at Jack in the Box.
[22:46] that's why they kick so much ass